Access Oxygen Treatment
To find a Provider or Practitioner for Oxygen Treatment please use the buttons below.
The top 5 things to check before booking your Oxygen Treatment session
1. Is the Oxygen Treatment facility on an approved register or part of a larger network of organisations? If so ask to see the accreditation or the name of the registering organisation. Avoid facilities that operate in isolation.
2. Is the Oxygen Treatment facility independently inspected every year? If so, ask to see any documentation such as the most recent inspection report.
3. Are the Oxygen Treatment staff appropriately trained in the theory and practice of Oxygen Treatment? If so ask to see the relevant paperwork such as certificates of competence. Ideally, the certification should be issued from a third party and not the organisation itself or equipment sales staff.
4. Are the Oxygen Treatment staff currently fit to practice? If so ask to see log sheets or other current evidence of training or practice.
5. Does the Oxygen Treatment facility have the appropriate insurances in place? If so ask to see the certification.